How do I add a new client?Get all your clients onto the system in no time.
How do I set a preferred term for clients?Set a preferred term for your service users.
How do I add a profile picture for a Client?Upload a photo to make it easy to identify your clients.
How do I schedule a recurring or one-off to-do?Set up to-do lists for your team
How do I upload a document to a Client's profile?Add a document (care plan, assessment forms etc) so they're viewable on the Carer App
How do I set up a Shift Password?For extra security, we highly recommend using Shift Passwords
How do I add a team member?Send invites to the rest of your team to use Log my Care!
How can I enable or hide log options?In the Care Office, turn on and off what log options are shown in the Carer App
How do I log into the Care Office?Sign into the Care Office using your email and password