To-do lists are a powerful tool for making sure that nothing gets missed. You can schedule a to-do from the "Add To-Do" button on the home screen or from the to-do's Daily Dashboard section.
You will then be taken through 5 simple steps to set up the to-do.
1. Choose a Category
First, select what category of to-do you'd like to schedule. You now have the option of 8 categories, which are the same as the ones found in the mobile app when adding a log.
2. Choose an Item
Next, choose an item. These also correspond to the items in the Carer App. Pick one from the list of different actions.
3. Edit the Title and Description
The title will be the high-level instruction that your team will see. In this example, the title has been edited from "Getting Dressed" to more of an instruction "Help to Get Dressed". A description has also been added with further instructions. In the mobile app, carers can see these instructions by clicking on the to-do for more information.
4. Set Start Time and Recurrence
For every to-do, you need to set a start time for when it should first happen and decide if it needs to happen regularly how often it should repeat/recur.
Use the date and time selectors to choose when the first instance is due.
If you want the to-do to repeat in the future, click the "Recurring?" button and select how often: daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly - yearly option is not available.
5. Choose who it is for
The first decision to be made is whether this to-do is for your clients or specific carers.Β
Client to-do's should include all care-related tasks (e.g. helping to get dressed, weight check etc.). When they are completed, a log will be added to the client's timeline.
Carer to-do's should be tasks that are related to the organisation, rather than a person's care (e.g. cleaning rota). Carer to-do's will not create log entries in client's timelines
By default, to-do's are set to be for clients.
Next, choose who this to-do is for. If this to-do is to help Annie, you would choose only her. You can add additional clients one by one or if this to-do applies to all clients save time by clicking "Assign All". You can remove people from the to-do by clicking on the x by their name.
If this to-do requires a second person to validate it, you can enable the "Require a second signature" option. Before it can be completed, this to-do will require a second member of your team to enter their pin to digitally sign.
If this to-do requires further information (e.g. a Weight Check should also have a weight recording), you can tick the "Require carer to add a Quick-log after completing?" option. If you have ticked this option, your carers in the mobile App will be prompted to add a log immediately after they have marked the to-do as complete.
Finally, click 'Add this to-do'
& you're done!