If you’re logged into your account and are on the Care Office home screen, click on To-Do's in the top menu and go to the 'Manage Recurring' tab.
Then click the 'Create Recurring To-Do' button and then enter the relevant information for the To-Do:
Common To-Do (optional): leave this blank
Title: the instruction carers will see in the App
Description (optional): any additional notes that you think carers should know to complete the To-Do
Type: To-Do's come in two types - Resident To-Do's that belong to a resident and relate to their care and Home To-Do's that can be given to a specific member of staff. In this case, choose Home
Assignee: which carer should be assigned this To-Do? Update: you can now add multiple carers to a single to-do. Anyone added to the To-Do will have to complete it (not just the first person)
How often: How often should this To-Do be repeated?
Start when: the day and time that you want the first To-Do to be due
Category: make sure you choose the right category for the type of To-Do
Require a carer to add a Quick-log after completing (not necessary): If you tick this box and choose an Item, the Carer that completes this To-Do will immediately be prompted to create a note about this To-Do. This is really useful for where you want to make sure that additional information is captured about a resident's care but not necessary for household To-Do's
Require second signature: For 2-person To-Do's, make it compulsory for another team member to validate the log too
Once you’re happy then click Create