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How do I review a care plan?
How do I review a care plan?

Learn the process of how to make edits, review and schedule the next review.

Alex Barbeta avatar
Written by Alex Barbeta
Updated over 12 months ago

Step 1: Go to the care plan that you want to add the risk assessment to

To view a client's current care plan sections, you'll need to first navigate to the client's list in the Care Office.

Select the client who's care plan you want to review then click on their "Care Plans" tab on their profile.

You will now see the current list of their care plan sections and their current review dates. Anything that is in-date will have a green tick, red is overdue and amber is upcoming soon.

Click on the care plan section that you'd like to review.

Step 2: Press ‘Review Care Plan’

If you want to change anything on a care plan, you always have to first press ‘Review Care Plan’ first. The button can be found in the bottom right hand corner.

Step 3: Make your updates, including risk assessments

After clicking the review care plan button, you can now make any updates to the care plan section that you need to.

To find out about how to add a risk assessment, please read this follow-on article here.

Step 4: Evaluate and schedule next review

To save your changes and schedule the next review, you'll need to scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the review box

From here you can add any evaluation comments about the review or make a note like "no updates required" before selecting when you would like to perform the next review. Once you are finished, click on the 'Save' button in the bottom right hand corner.

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