What is Device Access Control?

Securing your home's sensitive care-related data

Shane Hoofong avatar
Written by Shane Hoofong
Updated over a week ago

Device Access Control enables you to have full control over data access. As a manager or admin member of staff, you will now be able to determine who has access to view care-related data or block specific devices from accessing the Carer App. You can also view and manage the list of devices that have access to the Carer App.

What are the benefits of Device Access Control?

  • Provides managers with an increased overview and control over signed-in devices

  • Mitigate the risk of sensitive information being accessed without the appropriate authorisation​

  • Mitigate the risk of a data breach and reduce the risk of cyber security incidents​

User permissions: Devices can only be approved, blocked or managed by team members with the 'Admin' user role.

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