To ensure you have access to all of the latest features and fixes, then your Carer Apps need to be running the most up to date version of our software.
To find out if you've got the latest version please click on the link below that corresponds to your device's operating system.
To save yourself some time in the future, you can set your apps to automatically update to the latest version. To do this, follow the relevant steps below.
1. Open the "Play Store" app
2. Tap Menu ( ≡ ) and then “Settings”
3. Click “Auto-update apps”
4. Then select “Over Wi-Fi only” which will update apps only when you're connected to Wi-Fi
1. Open the “Settings” app
2. Go to “iTunes & App Store”
3. Under the 'Automatic Downloads' section, look for “Updates” and toggle the switch to the ON position.