How do I discontinue a medication?

Remove a medication from a client's eMAR

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

When a medication is no longer needed on the MAR Chart, discontinuing the medication will move the medication from the client's MAR Chart into a client's medication 'History' and will remove it on the app.

To discontinue, you'll need to be an admin or senior with medication permission. Learn how to discontinue a medication below.

Step 1: On the client's medication page, go to the medication that needs to be discontinued

You can do this by clicking the name of the medication in the MAR chart on the client's profile.

Step 2: Next, click 'Configuration' in the top right-hand corner ☝️

This is also where to go if you need to edit the medication.

Step 3: Click the red 'Discontinue' button in the bottom left-hand corner πŸ‘‡

Step 4: A window will pop up asking you to fill out the reason why this medication is being discontinued ✏️

Here, you can add any necessary details that need to be stored. This will be saved as a log with this medication for you to get back to at any point. You will need to write something to be able to discontinue a medication.

Step 5: Click 'Discontinue' and that's it! πŸ‘

Now, that medication will be moved from a client's MAR Chart to a client's medication history. You can get to the 'History' section from the 'History' button in the top right corner.

The medication will also be viewable from the MAR chart. To see a discontinued medication in the MAR chart, you'll need to change the date to when it was active.

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