The to-do's dashboard is where you can see all of your team's to-do's in one place. To find the dashboard, click on to-do's in the top menu. If you have some to-do's scheduled, it'll look a little like this:
Filtering your to-dos
You can use the date picker at the top to select other days on the calendar. There are other filters that can be used to narrow your search when looking through to-dos. You can click on the 'categories' drop-down menu to show to-dos by what type they are, you may choose to filter by specific item for example 'Repositioning'.
You're able to view to-dos by the team member it was assigned to as well as the Service Users related to the task and you can filter by status.
Next to the date, you will see a breakdown of how many to-do's are pending, due, overdue, completed, missed or skipped.
The dashboard breaks down of all of today's to-do's segmented by different times of day: Early morning, Morning, Afternoon and Evening. The number beside each icon tells you their current status. e.g. "Measure Weight" is overdue.
Each row can be expanded for more detail by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand side.ย
When expanded, you can see the status by Service User. Here, we can see that the Morning to-do to measure weight had been skipped for two residents.
To change the status of a to-do, you can do this in the mobile app or you can view the individual to-do in the Care Office. Clicking on the three dots will allow you to see options to make edits. As well as changing the status, you can change team members, snooze the to-do, or delete the individual to-do.
'Snoozing' delays the to-do by 1 hour
You're able to change the status using the drop-down menu.