How does expected stock work?

How does the system calculate your expected stock.

Owen avatar
Written by Owen
Updated over a week ago

Expected stock is where the system is able to calculate how much stock you should have based on the stock that has been entered into the system.

Our expected stock function will only work for medication that comes from the NHS database (no custom medication) and where the dose and unit for counting have not been edited.

Below are some examples of medications and whether the expected stock feature would work or not.


(What is being given)


(What is being counted)

Expected Stock Feature




✅ Works




✅ Works

Buprenorphine, Clonidine

Liquids (e.g ml)


❌ Doesn't work

Amoxicillin, Fortisip



❌ Doesn't work


✅ Works: We will automatically keep the stock up to date on the system. For example, if you have 5 tablets and administer 1, the system will say you have 4 tablets left.

❌ Doesn't work: If it doesn't work, you can still enter stock manually in the app but the system will not be able to automatically count down for you.

You can still count stock for custom medication, but this requires your team to enter these manually.

Medication stock is plotted on a graph automatically every time a medication round is signed.

To view the medication stock graph:

Step 1: Go to your clients profile and click on 'stock' under the medication tab.

Step 2: Click on the medication you want to view

Step 3: You can filter by date and this will populate the graph

When stock counts entered through the app or the care office match the expected stock count, you'll see a green tick.

You'll be alerted if the expected stock count and recorded stock count don't match with a red warning sign. You can view low stock levels in the reports section in the eMAR tab

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