The Noticeboard

Ensure staff are kept up-to-date on the latest actions within your home

Shane Hoofong avatar
Written by Shane Hoofong
Updated over a week ago

The Noticeboard is the central place for all updates and announcements relating to your home. We understand that a lot can happen in a day, week and month so we wanted to replicate the very thing that displays community spirit!

Where can I find the Noticeboard?

You can find the Noticeboard by clicking on the announcement icon via the Care Office dashboard. To enable the Noticeboard, head to settings, then preferences.

At the top of the page, a blue banner will show the latest notice that has been posted. You can view the full contents of this notice by clicking 'Read more'. The announcements icon will have a red dot if there are any unread notices and the blue banner will show (one by one) all the unread notices from the oldest to the newest.

Admins and senior carers can create notices within your home.

The page below shows a full overview of notices that have been created by an admin, with any undread notices being displayed first. The title of a notice will show in bold with a tag to signal that a new notice has been added and is yet to be read. As well as this, you'll be able to see who last updated a notice and when they did this. Click on 'view' to see the full contents.

Viewing an individual notice

Clicking on an individual notice displays the update in full. There is information on when the notice was last updated and by whom, with a drop-down list to show which team members have or have not read the notice.

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